Jordan Martin email web own page @ Cov
Tom Snowdon @ Glen Parva HMYOI
Simon Rafferty @ Ellerman Gardens
Debbie Martin @ Cov
Jake Murphy @ Ellerman Gardens
Mark Smith @ Ellerman Gardens
Emma Mason @ The foyer
Henry Gardner @ Isle Of Wight
Shadrack @ Ellerman Gardens
Fat Dave @ Foxford
Manjeet @ Foxford
Natalie @ The Foyer
Hannah Collins @ The foyer
Shane @ Glen Parva HMYOI
Shaun Pitson @ Wales
These are some of my friends and aqatances. Enuff respect
Just for Emma and Tom...
These two people I met while I was living in the Coventry Foyer. I could trust Emma and Tom with anything. Tom and Emma
have been together a long time but now Tom is doing a long sentence in Glen Parva HMYOI. These are the only two people that
I still really talk to that live in (or used to) the foyer. When Tom is released the session is on. ENUFF RESPECT TO